Sunday, July 18, 2010

Counter the counter

Well we had a whole week of offer vs counter offer vs counter of counter offer (if I hear the word counter again...) enought to make your head spin; it sums into there is an accepted offer on the table pending the inspection. Whew!

Also spent time studying for the NAPLEX; need to overcome the overwhelming feeling of where do I start reviewing 4 years worth of education?

Payday came, payday went with an early overexcitation of getting paid more than expected...then distracted by a brutally high paced work day. A nice relaxation night of going out for dinner and paying for the first time in a long time and grocery shopping for the week. This culminated in a nice evening watching old Northern Exposure DVDs. It really is a great series.

Another relaxing Saturday sleeping in, getting our first booze run of the year, catching up with some people, online shopping- minimal purchases and creation of wish list should the new home come to fruition, and more Northern Exposure. Today however was a crackdown on the studying. I feel like I found some great resources for practice questions and then felt like there is no way I will ever pass this massive exam. Plunged into a law review instead. I also rationalized taking a topic a night for review and practicalizing the study by maximizing my test taking efficiency. All my friends did it so I can too!

Additionally I spent a lot of time compiling a law review not only for my benefit but also as a presentation to the current students here at YKHC. I'll also be nice and share with my new found frined and colleague who has yet to take the Alaska MPJE. As Alaska's pharmacy regulations are quite minimal, there should be a whole lot of information on federal laws to remember.

And now back to the books before bed.

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