Monday, February 8, 2010

Mundane Monday

A big lag in posts, but nothing fun or exciting going on here. I got to cook again for the super bowl party yesterday and that was fun (another batch of chili, some guacamole, and pecan pie bars). I even ate the chili (Mom and Dad would be so proud); growing up it was a battle, not just a struggle, for me to eat chili. In fact Mom and Dad usually added elbow macaroni so that I had something to pick at and eat. Oh how things can change as we grow up. Snowmachines were out in abundance again with another 2 inches of fresh snow here. They even managed to "break" one and by break I mean they disconnected Mandy's pull start cord from the handle. I had no part of this. The longer I am here though, the more interesting people I get to meet. It's not all that uncommon to hear of people who have just moved up here randomly. They all say Bethel has a strange charm about it and a unique attraction; I certainly believe that but I would have to guess that it's likely due to the openness and friendliness of the locals.
That's all from the weekend; plan for today is to be in the OB ward (part of working on my big project).

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