Friday, February 19, 2010

Wound care

I also spent time touring with wound care today. I saw my first case of really bad frost bite. Black toes, black heel, black sole. Literally black skin. But the real kicker was the temperature difference; that black skin is cold (even after 72 hours of being in the hospital). And from there it's just a waiting game. A lot of that tissue won't recover and it's sad, but the patient has their life.

Second memorable experience was the 8 year old girl with second degree burns, all because her older sister got mad during a steam bath and threw the water at her. I can only imagine the amount of pain for that poor little girl but she was a trooper and only shed tears during debriding the wound. She definitely put me to shame on my pain tolerance though. I think she was more irritated by our questions keeping her from her games than being in the hospital. And that courage goes for just about all the natives I have encountered thus far; it's really inspiring.

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