Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has it been that long?

I can't believe that it's been a whole 2 weeks again since my last post. Well since then I have survived the board exams, manuevered Anchorage, become "homeless" but bought a couch :), and am still just plugging away at life.

NAPLEX exam = passed ! Sweet really glad about that one. Nothing shakes your core knowledge more than sitting a board exam. I am convinced of it.

MPJE= well I took this exam first and it flew by. I was done before I realized it. I think that I spent more time preparing for this one though and spent the entire freedom flight (Alaska Airlines Flight 46 daily evening service from Bethel weather permitting) and read the Alaska Pharmacy law book from cover to cover. Here's to crossing my fingers that it paid off.

So what's the word on the license then? Assuming I have passed the law exam it's just a matter of the Board of Pharmacy receiving one intsy piece of paperwork proving my work experience which they have previously rejected. It's just a waiting game on the snail mail service from Madison to Juneau so in theory....any day now.

The house: still waiting to close; repairs are coming along- foundation is complete and interior repairs are almost set. The delay here: exterior repairs due to rain delay. I swear it's monsoon season. But not having the keys hasnt stopped my overwhelming desire to settle decorating and furnishing issues- hence the couch purchase (first piece of my own true new furniture) makes me feel accomplished. I was reassured today that we should have keys by the end of the month- but I'm not so sure how well they'll be backing up that statement. So just keep living out of a suitcase and popping on over to the friend's garage to get tidbits out of our stuff.

The homelessness: Well temporary housing needed to be passed on the next new arrival. So oiut we went August 7th. In the meantime we have gracious friends who have offered their guest bedroom. It hasn't been so bad, actually really fun making some great new friends. Lots of cooking and eating and laughing together. All for the low price of pet and housesitting duties as they are off to Anchorage for their wedding. I also had a blast helping her prepare for the wedding by making favors, dog collars- you should see how cute!, and learning how to make jam and jelly! We really are living as if on the last frontier.

I think thats everything up to speed now and I do promise to be more regular on posting.

1 comment:

  1. I just bought a couch too! It'll get here on Saturday and I'm so excited for it. Strange how something like furniture turns you into a real adult somehow!
