Saturday, August 21, 2010


Banana bread out of the oven and cooling as we speak. This day was a long time coming, but I finally have baked something to be proud of!

Here's the back story on kitchen injuries that I promised a while back:
I seem to have the worst luck in the kitchen as far as being able to harm myself with the silliest of things. It all started in high school when I burned my wrist taking pizza out of the oven at youth group. Then college came and I managed to scar my thumb with a nice cut from doing dishes (I think this also coincides with my extreme distaste for dishes), sliced my other thumb on a knife doing dishes (didn't help me to reconsider my opinion of dishes), stabbed my hand with a fork doing dishes. College also landed me some more burns too. I also manage to have some freak accidents outside my kitchen. for instance thank you Kim for the shattered glass at bowlkign that flew straight into my knuckle. And of course most recently the burned foot. But it all seems to be better if I have some sort of supervision while I work. But I have yet to figure out how to make it stop. The food turns out ok when I am cooking and baking is a new process that as of today seems to be on the up and up!

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